We still stand at #38 in the National League (out of 2495 eligible exchanges) – and Brenchley – our next door neighbour – has shot up the charts 10 places to #39 in the past 24 hours! Congratulations to them! At least we have moved the centre of gravity of the race from Canterbury to Tunbridge Wells! So please continue to vote (and if you have already voted, ask your neighbours and friends to vote) and:
So where do we stand in world rankings for Broadband? Richard Bushrod has kindly researched the following analysis from “The Register” – a well known online magazine on things online:
UK homes are less likely to have superfast broadband than anywhere else in the world except China.
Ofcom’s annual international communications report reveals that 0.2 per cent of UK homes have superfast broadband – the same as China.
By comparison France has 1.1 per cent of homes linked up, Germany 2.0 per cent and Italy 1.4 per cent. Also languishing at the bottom, although arguably with a tougher geographic challenge, are the Aussies with 0.4 per cent and Spain with 0.3 per cent of homes connected to superfast networks.
At the top end is Japan with 34.4 per cent, Sweden with 12 per cent and the USA with 7.1 per cent.
Ofcom does note that if plans for deployment of superfast broadband to two-thirds of the population by 2015 will put the UK near the top of the world rankings.
UK punters are the third most likely to have smartphones thanks to a 70 per cent jump between January 2009 and January 2010. Italy has the most smartphones – 26 per cent, then Spain with 21 per cent and then the UK with 18 per cent.
We can do our part in bringing Britain as a lead nation providing the technological infrastructure to make us competitive, as a country, a county and community.
Keep voting!